Wednesday, June 2, 2010

... That's gonna leave a mark.

I'll make this post short and sweet. Just throwing up the links to a couple recent slideshows I've done for Citypages:
Solera "Communion" Opening Party 5.30.2010
Paul Van Dyk at Epic 5.21.2010

Solera was an absolute blast; I can't wait to spend my Sunday afternoons on the rooftop enjoying sangria in the sun. Paul Van Dyk was also quite the show -- the stage set-up was unlike anything I've seen in a while.  The few photos I've uploaded thus far don't really do the lighting and stage justice, so just hold your horses for now. (Many more shots from both shows to be uploaded soon. I think I took over 300 photos at PVD.) The only bummer about PVD was the epic fall I took on stage after tripping (curse you, secret stage parts covered in black cloth in the dark!), and the only bad part about Solera was the hangover I was nursing on Monday (4pm-2am will do that to a girl). Coming up, photos from this Friday's Solid Gold show at First Ave; next weekend I've got Kaskade to shoot, too.  With that, I'll post some music.

New release from disco house favorite LLR:
Louis La Roche - Missing You (w/ Ad-Apt)

Speaking of disco, Grum just released a full album called "Heartbeats." It's cheesy, but it's got a couple gems, such as "Runaway." Love it.

A new video popped up from Lolla artist Stars today (video's kind of lame but the song is damn catchy... very Metric-esque, IMO):