Monday, February 1, 2010

... It's not just a phlog.

It's February 1st, 2010. Considering how fast January went by, it'll be March before I can say "not a leap year." I thought today would be as good a day as any to begin my new blog. Assuming I don't abandon this project like I have others in the past, I'll eventually link it to my domain and make this all official and shit. I've debated a name, theme, or topic for my blog for quite some time... I'll probably talk about music, movies, event reviews, and some other random stuff.  None of those in combination seemed to really create some epic idea (or even name) for a blog, so I came up with "Spoiler Alert." I'm not going to explain this every time I post, so hopefully whoever ends up reading this is smart enough to stay with me. The blog post titles are going to be spoiler alerts of what you're about to read. If you know me for real you know I don't like spoilers and love surprises, so don't write this blog off just yet; I won't be divulging the identity of Keyser Söze every time. So, I can't commit to just a music blog because I'll probably muck it up with too many photos; yet, this won't just be a photo blog because I'll talk about music or events or concerts too much, and sadly I don't think a blog can stand on my writing skills alone. Plus, I just can't take the word "phlog" seriously.

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